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Boumatic Milking Parlor - Create Link

VAMPP - Boumatic Data Link Instructions
NOTE: Prior to making the VAMPP-Boumatic connection, please make sure that the status of all animals in VAMPP are current including service and dry off data.



1. Install the latest VAMPP Version.
2. Go into Windows Explorer. Create a folder named Taurus1 on your C: drive
3. Go into VAMPP.
4. Identify all animals responder numbers in Entries, Animal Records ID change.
5. Select the menu option Industry: On Farm System: Export data file.
6. Select Boumatic.
7. Click on Edit local setup.
8. Click on Set as default.
9. Prompt Yes to enter the registration number for Boumatic.
10. Enter the registration number for Boumatic which is obtained from the 1-800-661-6601 VAMPP support line.
11. Define the parameters for initializing the Boumatic link
12. The export file to be sent to Boumatic is: C:\Taurus1\Tau_ms.2
13. The milk weight file to be received from Boumatic is: C:\Taurus1\MilkWt.dat



First time run
14. Say Yes to Send entire herd as new animals.
15. Say Yes to Send current status of all animals.



Subsequent runs:
16. Say No to Send entire herd as new animals.
17. Say No to Send current status of all animals.



18. A screen will come up with Taupro2 ADIS Interface and the following information needs to be entered:
     a)COM port number (Com1 or Com2)
     b) Baud rate of connection (300, 600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200)
     c) Parity (None)
     d) Stop bits (1)
     e) Character Bits (8)
     f) Flow control (XON/XOFF)
19. The VAMPP herd data should read into Boumatic.
Please be patient with this process - it may take a bit of time.
20. This process can be scheduled into the VAMPP scheduler under File: Utilities: Scheduler once things are up and running properly.

VAMPP - Boumatic Scheduled Data Transfer Instructions

Once it is verified that the data transfer process is working properly, these steps can be placed in an automatic scheduler. To do this:
1. In the menu go to: File: Utilities: schedule events
2. Click on the Job pull down list.
3. For Parameter select: Name.
4. In the Value box, type: Boumatic
5. For the frequency button, select: daily
6. Define the time of day that the export file should run.
This step can be setup to be done as many times per day as desired.

To have the Boumatic milk weights transfer into the VAMPP Cow card

1. In the menu go to: File: Utilities: schedule events

2. Click on the Job pull down list

3. Select daily milk transfer

4. For the frequency button, select: daily or weekly or monthly

5. Define the time of day that the file should run. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Vampp Management Systems Inc.