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Alpro Milking Parlor Version 65 - Create Link

To initiate link with VAMPP and Alpro 6.5  

Note: Prior to making the VAMPP - ALPRO65 link work

  1. Make sure there is a Alpro directory on the C:\ drive (if the Alpro folder is on a different drive you will need to uninstall and then reinstall Alpro - please contact your Alpro dealer for assistance) 
  2. Verify that in the Alpro directory the following two files exist: IsoSync.exe and ISO32.exe
    (these two files are distributed by Alpro and are needed in order for the VAMPP-Alpro link to work properly).
  3. For all active animals, enter their responder numbers in VAMPP under the menu option Entries, Animal records, Id change/add image 
  4. The responder numbers are entered in the field Secondary id/Responder number. 

Configure VAMPP to export data file to ALPRO 6.5 

  1.  In VAMPP go to Industry, On farm system, export data file 
  2. Select Alpro65 
  3. With your mouse, click on Set as default and Edit local setup 
  4. Click OK 
  5. Enter the registration number to activate the VAMPP Alpro link for Alpro65 is obtained by calling 1-800-661-6601. 
  6. Click Ok when the registration number has been entered. 
  7. A box with export parameters will appear.
    a) In the field "Export file to be sent to Alpro" type, C:\Alpro\VAMPP.dat (type the name exactly as seen here)
    b) The field titled "Last run date" will be greyed out (if not run before).
    c) In the field titled "Milk weight file" type, MilkWt.dat (type the file name exactly as seen here)
    d) In the field titled "Database file" type [farmname].apw (be sure to add the .apw). Where [farmname] appears, it must be the same as the name that appears in the very top left hand corner of the Alpro Version 6.5 Window when Alpro is running.
    e) In the filed titled "Send entire herd as new animals" enter No (unless initializing herd through VAMPP).
  8. Click on OK when the all the fields are correctly entered. 
  9. Click on OK to the date prompt for today. 
  10. The following windows should appear: Exporting Farm number # (Alpro)
                                                                    Closing file
                                                                    MS Dos Prompt 
  11. Click on OK when done.
    ------ If an error occurs during the export process, restart your computer, go into VAMPP and go to Industry, On-farm system, export data file.  Click on ALPRO and click Ok.
  12. The data file has been transferred to Alpro. 



Configure VAMPP to import milk weight data file from Alpro

  1. In VAMPP go to Industry, On farm system, import data file. Select Alpro
  2. With your mouse click on Set as default and Edit local setup, then click OK
  3. The import file to be received from Alpro should be as follows: C:\Alpro\MilkWt.DAT (be sure to type the file name exactly as seen here) 
  4. The Units can be left blank. Then click OK
  5. The milk weight data will be retrieved into VAMPP. 

Initialize automatic data transfer to Alpro
Follow the steps listed below to set the scheduler in VAMPP to automatically export your herd data: 

  1.  In VAMPP go to File, Utilities, schedule events 
  2. Click on the Job pull down list select Export File 
  3. For Parameter select Name
  4. In the Value box type Alpro65 (be sure that it's typed as seen here) 
  5. Under Frequency, select Daily, enter the time as 1 hour before you start milking. 
  6. Click the save icon (2nd icon from the left hand side)

Please note: Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each milking that is done on your farm  

To have the Alpro milk weights transfer into test date format, follow the steps below:

  1. In VAMPP go to Entries, Production, milk test date 
  2. Once the screen appears, click on Transfer milk test data 
  3. Enter the "Milk test date", you can choose any date that milk weights were imported into VAMPP prior to today 
  4. Enter in the "Time" when milking was completed on the date you chose 
  5. If you wish to enter the Bulk tank values, place a check mark by this option and enter the appropriate fat, protein and SCC values 
  6. Click Ok 
  7. A screen titled "Edit group" will appear. Fill in Milking Frequency, number of milkings weighed. For previous milking enter the time you begin milking in the morning 
  8. Click on the TAB titled Advanced. Fill in the start and end time for milkings 1 and 2, if either were sampled place a check mark by the proper milking. Click OK
    *** NOTE: Steps 7 & 8 will only be required for completion once*** 
  9. Once the milk weight transfer is complete, click OK 
  10. Now go to File, Utilities, calculations, click Yes when your warned calculations may take several minutes 
  11. You can now view production reports and view milk weights on individual cow cards.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1-800-661-6601 (Canada wide) phone
1-403-732-4034 (International) phone
info@vampp.com email
1-403-732-4814 fax

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